This entire site started ⓒ September 24, 2010 to present day, and all photographs and text herein, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted by David Thomas, a certified Iyengar yoga instructor. No part of this site, or any of the content contained herein, may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without express permission of the copyright holder(s).

Oct 22, 2010

There are only so many hours in the day

When I drive to the studio from Falmouth I usually listen to the radio. And it is not unusual to hear the comment on the radio that in today’s world we all have busy lives. Now I’ve heard this many times before but on this day it stuck in my mind. We are all so busy no matter what it is. Even manufacturers have come up with gadgets to help us organize our lives. The days aren’t long enough to get everything done; something always has to be put off until tomorrow.
Then I remember what my mother used to say, or was that my grandmother? “There are only so many hours in the day”. When I thought back, I tried to think when I wasn’t busy. Even as a child I was always doing something. What I’ve come to realize is that being busy is a rush; it is addictive. It all has to do with the mind. The mind loves to be busy, the busier the better; it even puts itself down when it can’t get everything done on time or done that day.
Now you might say, but “what about my job”, “what about the children”, “what about”, “what about”? I say, be kind to yourself. It’s not that you stop doing everything; it’s just about being present while you are doing everything. The are only so many hours in the day.

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