This entire site started ⓒ September 24, 2010 to present day, and all photographs and text herein, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted by David Thomas, a certified Iyengar yoga instructor. No part of this site, or any of the content contained herein, may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without express permission of the copyright holder(s).

Oct 18, 2010

Letting Go

Today I’m going outside to work on a spruce tree in our yard that is leaning over to one side. Apparently the root system is shallow and the ground is wet, and also we get strong, one sided winds in that part of the property. So, I’m going to put a few stakes in the ground and tie ropes around the tree and the stake will give the tree support from the winter winds. I remember last year I had to do the same thing. Once I supported the tree it was as though the tree could take a breath of relief; it could finally let go because it was supported.
In Iyengar Yoga, because we have the use of props, we can experience the same letting go. That letting go can arise in many ways, from one extreme to the other, from crying to laughing or feeling anger to feeling joy. Like the tree, we need that foundation in an asana or we are continuously holding on, not just physically but also mentally. So it is no wonder when we can finally get in a place of support that we can let go. Just compare the difference of doing a headstand in the middle of the room to doing a headstand hanging in the ropes. Once you accept the support, your body responds by letting go. In giving that support to the tree, I am giving it a chance to let go.

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